Newsletter mensile Aiom
Anno I – Numero 2, Ottobre 2021
Comitato scientifico editoriale: Saverio Cinieri
Editore: Intermedia, Direttore Responsabile: Mauro Boldrini
Pubblicazioni recenti

Expanding Criteria for Prognostic Stage IA in Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer

The prognostic significance of patients with low-risk Recurrence Score (RS) results in the context of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8th-edition pathologic prognostic staging has not been investigated. We evaluated if expanded RS criteria can be considered for downstaging in AJCC pathologic prognostic staging. Using Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End …
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First results from a phase III randomized clinical trial of standard adjuvant endocrine therapy (ET) +/- chemotherapy (CT) in patients (pts) with 1-3 positive nodes, hormone receptor-positive (HR+) and HER2-negative (HER2-) breast cancer (BC) with recurrence score (RS) < 25: SWOG S1007 (RxPonder)

The clinical utility of the RS to determine CT benefit is well established in pts with HR+, HER2-, axillary lymph node (LN)-negative BC. Retrospective analyses from SWOG S8814 support the potential prognostic and predictive role of RS for CT benefit in postmenopausal pts with LN+ BC. SWOG S1007 is a prospective, randomized trial of endocrine therapy (ET) vs. chemoendocrine …
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70-gene signature as an aid for treatment decisions in early breast cancer: updated results of the phase 3 randomised MINDACT trial with an exploratory analysis by age

The MINDACT trial showed excellent 5-year distant metastasis-free survival of 94·7% (95% CI 92·5-96·2) in patients with breast cancer of high clinical and low genomic risk who did not receive chemotherapy. We present long-term follow-up results together with an exploratory analysis by age. MINDACT was a multicentre, randomised, phase 3 trial done in 112 academic …
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Aggiornamento linee guida

NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®)

‘Gene expression assays provide prognostic and therapy predictive information that complements T,N,M and biomarker information. Use of these assays is not required for staging. The 21-gene assay (Oncotype) is preferred by the NCCN Breast Cancer Panel for prognosis and prediction of chemotherapy benefit. Other prognostic gene expression assays can provide prognostic …
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(accesso con login a Breast Cancer, NCCN Guidelines Version 8.2021)

Revisioni della letteratura

Multigene tests for breast cancer: the physician’s perspective

Breast cancer is the most common tumour in women and the first cause of death for cancer in the female population. Preserving the quality of life has therefore become an important objective in the management of the disease. The benefits of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with HR+ HER2- early breast cancer should always be balanced against its potential short and long-term …
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Appuntamenti Aiom

Avviso a tutti i Soci

A causa del protrarsi dell‘emergenza coronavirus e delle relative disposizioni, si suggerisce di verificare la conferma dei singoli eventi direttamente con gli organizzatori

Il trattamento dei tumori luminali della mammella
Stato dell’Arte e Prospettive Future
Aggiornamenti in Oncologia
FAD asincrona, 15 giugno – 30 novembre 2021 

Landscapes in Oncologia 2021
Precision Medicine – Targeted therapy e immunoterapia
FAD, 1 luglio 2021 – 30 giugno 2022

Donne e Immunoterapia
I tumori della sfera femminile tra il presente della chemioterapia e delle terapie target al futuro
Catania, 29 ottobre 2021

Le Nuove Frontiere della Medicina di Precisione:
L’applicazione clinica della terapia radiorecettoriale
I mercoledì dell’oncologia
Webinar, 3 novembre 2021
Evento Nazionale AIOM

Corso di Alta Formazione in Oncofertilità 2021
FAD, 3 – 25 novembre, 1 – 21 dicembre 2021

Incontri di Aggiornamento dei Centri di Senologia della Emilia Romagna
Ciclo di incontri Webinar – Oxford Debates in Breast Cancer
Webinar, 8 novembre 2021

Carcinoma Mammario:
Evidenze e Nuove Speranze
Incontro con gli esperti
FAD, 12 – 13 novembre 2021

Clinical Needs and Translational Research in Oncology
6th International Congress
Reggio Emilia, 18 – 19 novembre 2021

8th Pavia Update on Breast Cancer
BRCA: Nuovi Tumori, Nuovi Orizzonti
Pavia, 19 novembre 2021

IT Breast Cancer School
6a Edizione
Genova, 19 – 20 novembre 2021

Nuove Frontiere nel Trattamento del GIST
I mercoledì dell’oncologia
Webinar, 24 novembre 2021
Evento Nazionale AIOM

Oncologia di Precisione nella Neoplasia della Mammella
Modena, 2 dicembre 2021

WebExpert Highlights SABCS 2021
FAD, 14 dicembre 2021

Questi e altri appuntamenti si possono consultare sul sito AIOM:

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