Newsletter mensile Aiom
Anno II – Numero 4, Gennaio 2022
Comitato scientifico editoriale: Saverio Cinieri
Editore: Intermedia, Direttore Responsabile: Mauro Boldrini
Pubblicazioni recenti

The clinician’s perspective on the 21-gene assay in early breast cancer

Most patients with early HR+ and HER2- breast cancer receive a hormone therapy; the clinical question still open is how to identify patients who can really benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. The accurate identification of these patients is essential to avoid an over-treatment, increasing the risk of an unnecessary toxicity; on the contrary, the omission of chemotherapy can deprive high risk patients of a potential life-saving treatment (under-treatment) …  Continua a leggere

Is the oncotype DX test useful in elderly breast cancer patients: a subgroup analysis of real‑life Italian PONDx study

The 21-gene Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score® test, (Genomic Health, Redwood City CA) has not been formally evaluated in an older cohort with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer (BC) in term of physicians’ treatment decisions. We determine the utility of Recurrence Score® (RS) result on adjuvant therapy prescription in elderly patients with resected early BC … Continua a leggere

MRI-Based Radiomics Approach Predicts Tumor Recurrence in ER+/HER2- Early Breast Cancer Patients

Oncotype Dx is a genetic assay providing a recurrence score (RS) correlated with the risk of cancer recurrence and adjuvant treatment response in breast carcinoma. We investigated the ability of an MRIbased radiomics approach to predict the risk of tumor recurrence in breast cancer. A total of 62 patients with biopsy-proved ER+/HER2- early breast cancer who underwent pre-treatment MRI and Oncotype Dx were included … Continua a leggere

Outcome without any adjuvant systemic treatment in stage I ER+/HER2- breast cancer patients included in the MINDACT trial

Adjuvant systemic treatments (AST) reduce mortality, but have associated short- and long-term toxicities. Careful selection of patients likely to benefit from AST is needed. We evaluated outcome of low-risk breast cancer patients of the EORTC 10041/BIG 3-04 MINDACT trial who received no AST. Patients with estrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative, lymph node-negative tumors ≤2 cm who received no AST were matched 1 : 1 to patients … Continua a leggere

Impact of the 21-Gene Recurrence Score Assay on the Treatment of Estrogen Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative, Breast Cancer Patients With 1-3 Positive Nodes: A Prospective Clinical Utility Study

The use of the 21-gene Recurrence Score (RS) assay is emerging in node-positive estrogen receptor (ER)+ HER2-negative breast cancer (BC), particularly as initial data from the RxPONDER trial are now available. We investigated the impact of the RS result on adjuvant treatment decisions in such patients. This prospective, multi-center study enrolled patients with ER+, HER2-negative BC and 1 to 3 positive nodes Continua a leggere

Appuntamenti Aiom

Avviso a tutti i Soci
A causa del protrarsi dell‘emergenza coronavirus e delle relative disposizioni, si suggerisce di verificare la conferma dei singoli eventi direttamente con gli organizzatori

Landscapes in Oncologia 2021
Precision Medicine – Targeted therapy e immunoterapia
FAD, 1 luglio 2021 – 30 giugno 2022

Management delle tossicità emergenti da farmaci innovativi (SMART)
FAD, 27 gennaio, 24 febbraio, 24 marzo, 28 aprile, 26 maggio, 23 giugno, 7 luglio, 22 settembre, 20 ottobre 2022

12th Milan Congress on Innovative Anticancer Therapy
27 – 28 gennaio 2022

Le Sfide Globali e il Cancro
World Cancer Day
4 febbraio 2022

Focus sul Carcinoma Mammario
Aggiornamenti basati sull’evidenza – XIX Edizione
Udine, 17 – 18 febbraio 2022

Women for Breast Cancer Care
1st edition
Bari, 8 marzo 2022

Innovators in Breast Cancer
Winter edition 2022
Torino, 11 marzo 2022

EBCC 13TH European Breast Cancer Conference
Barcellona, 23 – 25 marzo 2022

Questi e altri appuntamenti si possono consultare sul sito AIOM:

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ora parte di Exact Sciences