Newsletter settimanale Aiom
Anno XIX - Numero 798 - 12 gennaio 2021

Hanno curato la selezione degli articoli scientifici e i commenti di questo numero: Lucia Del Mastro, Eva Blondeaux, Valentino Martelli (IRCCS AOU San Martino, IST Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova)

Coordinatori: Massimo Di Maio, Silvia Novello
Editore: Intermedia - Direttore Responsabile: Mauro Boldrini

Oggi in Oncologia   

First-Line Lorlatinib or Crizotinib in Advanced ALK-Positive Lung Cancer

Lorlatinib, a third-generation inhibitor of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), has antitumor activity in previously treated patients with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The efficacy of lorlatinib, as compared with that of crizotinib, as first-line treatment for advanced ALK-positive NSCLC is unclear. We conducted a global, randomized, phase 3 trial comparing lorlatinib with … (leggi tutto)

Lorlatinib è un inibitore di ALK di terza generazione ed è più potente degli inibitori di seconda generazione sia nei test biochimici che in quelli cellulari. Lorlatinib è inoltre in grado di superare la barriera emato-encefalica essendo quindi attivo anche a livello del sistema nervoso centrale. 
Lo studio CROWN è uno studio randomizzato, di fase 3, che ha confrontato lorlatinib vs crizotinib in pazienti con NSCLC avanzato ALK-traslocato non precedentemente trattato. L’endpoint primario era la sopravvivenza libera da progressione, mentre gli endpoint secondari includevano la risposta obiettiva e la risposta intracranica.
Da maggio 2017 a febbraio 2019, in totale 296 pazienti sono stati randomizzati (149 a ricevere lorlatinib e 147 a ricevere crizotinib). La percentuale di pazienti che erano vivi senza progressione a 12 mesi è del 78% (IC 95%: 70-84) nel gruppo lorlatinib e del 39% (IC 95%: 30-48) nel gruppo crizotinib (HR 0,28; IC 95%: 0,19-0,41; p < 0,001). Una risposta obiettiva si è verificata nel 76% (IC 95%: 68-83) dei pazienti trattati con lorlatinib e nel 58% (IC 95%: 49-66) di quelli trattati con crizotinib. Metastasi cerebrali al basale erano presenti in 38 pazienti (26%) nel gruppo lorlatinib e in 40 pazienti (27%) nel gruppo crizotinib. Tra questi pazienti, la percentuale di quelli con una risposta intracranica oggettiva è stata significativamente più alta con lorlatinib che con crizotinib (66% vs 20%). Inoltre, il 61% e il 15%, rispettivamente, ha avuto una risposta intracranica completa.
Gli eventi avversi più comuni con lorlatinib sono stati iper-lipidemia, edema, aumento di peso, neuropatia periferica ed effetti cognitivi. Lorlatinib è stato associato ad un aumento degli eventi avversi di grado 3 o 4 (principalmente livelli di lipidi alterati) rispetto a crizotinib (nel 72% contro il 56%).
In conclusione, tra i pazienti con NSCLC ALK-traslocato in stadio avanzato non precedentemente pre-trattati, quelli che hanno ricevuto lorlatinib hanno avuto una sopravvivenza libera da progressione significativamente più lunga, una risposta globale e intracranica più elevata rispetto a quelli che hanno ricevuto crizotinib.


Pembrolizumab in Microsatellite-Instability–High Advanced Colorectal Cancer

Programmed death 1 (PD-1) blockade has clinical benefit in microsatellite-instability-high (MSI-H) or mismatch-repair-deficient (dMMR) tumors after previous therapy. The efficacy of PD-1 blockade as compared with chemotherapy as first-line therapy for MSI-H-dMMR advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer is unknown. In this phase 3, open-label trial, 307 patients with metastatic … (leggi tutto)

Il carcinoma del colon retto in fase avanzata rappresenta ad oggi una sfida per il clinico, in quanto, nonostante l’introduzione di nuovi farmaci come il regorafenib o il TAS-102, l’aspettativa di vita non supera in media i 3 anni.
Tuttavia, una rivoluzione si sta verificando per quella sottopopolazione di pazienti che presenta il deficit del mismatch repair con conseguente instabilità dei microsatelliti (dMMR/MSI-high, circa il 15% dei casi). Per questi soggetti, infatti, sempre più evidenze sono a favore del ruolo dell’immunoterapia, sia in linee precoci di trattamento sia in setting più avanzati.
In questo ambito di ricerca, lo studio internazionale, multicentrico, open-label, di fase III, KEYNOTE-177 ha valutato il ruolo di pembrolizumab in monoterapia nel trattamento di prima linea.
Tra febbraio 2016 e febbraio 2018, 307 pazienti sono stati randomizzati a ricevere la terapia con anti PD-1 o la chemioterapia standard (i.e. FOLFOX, FOLFIRI, entrambi con anti-VEFGR o anti-EGFR). Obiettivi primari dello studio sono PFS e OS, mentre obiettivo secondario è l’overall response rate (ORR). I due bracci di trattamento sono risultati ben bilanciati sia per le caratteristiche demografiche sia per quelle tumorali.
I risultati dello studio sono stati positivi, con un chiaro vantaggio in sopravvivenza dell’immune checkpoint inhibitor rispetto allo standard of care. In particolare, la PFS mediana per i pazienti trattati con pembrolizumab è stata di 16,5 mesi (IC 95%: 5,4-32,4), mentre è stata di 8,2 mesi (IC 95%: 6,1-10,2) per i pazienti trattati con la chemioterapia (HR 0,60; IC 95%: 0,45-0,80; p = 0,0002). Inoltre, la percentuale stimata di pazienti liberi da malattia o da progressione a 12 e 24 mesi è stata del 55,3% (IC 95%: 47,0-62,9) e 48,3% (IC 95%: 39,9-56,2) per i pazienti trattati con pembrolizumab e del 37,3% (IC 95%: 29,0-45,5) e 18,6% (IC 95%: 12,1-26,3) per i pazienti trattati con la chemioterapia.
Anche l’obiettivo secondario dello studio ha dimostrato un vantaggio dell’immunoterapia rispetto allo standard, in quanto una risposta (parziale o completa) si è verificata nel 43,8% dei casi del braccio sperimentale rispetto al 33,1% del controllo, con una percentuale di risposta completa dell’11% e del 4% rispettivamente.
È interessante notare l’andamento delle curve di sopravvivenza con un iniziale, apparente vantaggio della chemioterapia e con una successiva risposta maggiore e più duratura di pembrolizumab.
Anche il profilo di tossicità mostra una miglior maneggevolezza del pembrolizumab (56% di eventi avversi di grado 3 o superiore vs 78% del braccio di controllo).
In conclusione, pembrolizumab andrebbe considerato come un’opzione per il trattamento dei pazienti con tumore del colon retto avanzato con deficit del mismatch repair.




Dabrafenib plus trametinib in patients with BRAFV600E-mutated biliary tract cancer (ROAR): a phase 2, open-label, single-arm, multicentre basket trial

Effective treatments for patients with cholangiocarcinoma after progression on gemcitabine-based chemotherapy are urgently needed. Mutations in the BRAF gene have been found in 5% of biliary tract tumours. The combination of dabrafenib and trametinib has shown activity in several BRAFV600E-mutated cancers. We aimed to assess the activity and safety of dabrafenib and trametinib combination … (leggi tutto)

A differenza di altre forme tumorali del tratto gastroenterico, il colangiocarcinoma non ha visto importanti avanzamenti terapeutici, in particolar modo per le forme localmente avanzate o inoperabili.
L’immunoterapia con pembrolizumab o nivolumab rappresenta un’opzione per quel gruppo ristretto di pazienti con tumori delle vie biliari con deficit del mismatch repair. Tuttavia nella restante maggioranza dei casi le scelte terapeutiche si limitano ai classici chemioterapici quali cisplatino, fluoroderivati e gemcitabina.
Sempre più evidenze si stanno accumulando sul possibile ruolo della mutazione di BRAFV600E nella crescita del colangiocarcinoma, che è stato pertanto scelto come bersaglio della targeted therapy con dabrafenib (inibitore BRAF) e trametinib (inibitore MEK), già utilizzati in altre forme tumorali con questa specifica mutazione.
Il basket trial ROAR ha screenato 626 pazienti con colangiocarcinoma avanzato, progrediti dopo una chemioterapia a base di gemcitabina, e ne ha arruolati 43 (a dimostrazione di come la mutazione BRAFV600E sia presente in solo il 5-7% circa dei pazienti).
L’obiettivo primario dello studio è stato fissato nella overall response rate, mentre gli obiettivi secondari sono stati la progression free survival, la durata della risposta, la overall survival (OS) e la sicurezza dei due farmaci testati.
Tra i diversi studi che hanno valutato possibili bersagli molecolari nel tumore delle vie biliari, questo è quello ad aver dimostrato i risultati più soddisfacenti: circa il 47% di tutti i casi hanno mostrato una risposta al trattamento (parziale o completa), con una durata della stessa di circa 9 mesi. L’OS a 6 mesi è stata dell’84%, a 12 mesi del 56% ed a 24 mesi del 36%. È inoltre interessante notare come 5 pazienti si siano sottoposti a chirurgia (colecistectomia, epatectomia e linfoadenectomia) dopo il trattamento.
Il più frequente effetto collaterale è stata l’iperpiressia (circa il 60% degli eventi avversi di grado 1-2), mentre il più frequente evento di grado 3 è stato il rialzo delle gamma-GT (circa il 12% dei casi).
In conclusione, lo studio ROAR ha mostrato come dabrafenib e trametinib in combinazione abbiano una certa attività clinica nei soggetti con colangiocarcinoma BRAFV600E mutato, con un buon profilo di tossicità e una buona maneggevolezza.


In Europa


NICE Rejects Nivolumab for Recurrent or Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

January 8, 2021 – The United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued guidelines recommending against nivolumab for use in patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma who experienced disease progression during or after platinum-based chemotherapy. The committee reviewed additional evidence collected as … (leggi tutto)

Extra dose from vials of BioNTech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

January 8, 2021 – EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has recommended updating the product information for BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine to clarify that each vial contains 6 doses of the vaccine. In order to extract six doses from a single vial, low dead-volume syringes and/or needles should be used. The low dead-volume syringe and needle combination should have a dead … (leggi tutto)

EMA recommends COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna for authorisation in the EU

January 6, 2021 – EMA has recommended granting a conditional marketing authorisation for COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna to prevent Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in people from 18 years of age. This is the second COVID-19 vaccine that EMA has recommended for authorisation. EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has thoroughly assessed the data on the quality, safety and efficacy of the … (leggi tutto)

Approval for Amivantamab Sought in Europe for Metastatic EGFR Exon 20+ NSCLC

January 4, 2021 – A marketing authorization application has been submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the approval of amivantamab (JNJ-61186372; JNJ-6372) as a treatment for patients with metastatic non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that harbors EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations who have experienced disease progression following platinum-based chemotherapy. … (leggi tutto)

EU Approval Sought for Sotorasib in KRAS G12C–Mutated Advanced or Metastatic NSCLC

January 4, 2021 – A marketing authorization application has been submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the use of sotorasib (formerly AMG 510) in patients with KRAS G12C–mutated locally advanced or metastatic non­small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The application is based on findings from the phase 1/2 CodeBreaK 100 trial (NCT03600883), in which the investigational … (leggi tutto)

Update on rolling review of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine

December 30, 2020 – EMA’s assessment of the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University has been progressing over the past weeks. The Agency is currently assessing data on the vaccine as part of a rolling review. So far, some evidence has been assessed on safety and efficacy coming from a pooled analysis of interim clinical data from four ongoing clinical … (leggi tutto)

Fixed-Dose Pertuzumab/Trastuzumab Combo Approved in Europe for HER2+ Breast Cancer

December 23, 2020 – The European Commission has approved the fixed-dose combination of pertuzumab and trastuzumab with hyaluronidase, to be administered via a subcutaneous injection in the treatment of patients with early and metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer. The regulatory decision is based on data from the phase 3 FeDeriCa trial (NCT03493854), which demonstrated that … (leggi tutto)

EMA organises a second public meeting about the new COVID-19 vaccines

December 22, 2020 – EMA will organise a second public meeting on 8 January 2021 to inform European citizens about the assessment, approval and roll-out of new COVID-19 vaccines. Together with the EU medicines regulatory network, EMA has been working around the clock to bring much needed COVID-19 vaccines to EU citizens as quickly as possible, while keeping the same … (leggi tutto)

Cyberattack on EMA – update 3

December 22, 2020 – The ongoing investigation of the cyberattack on EMA, carried out by the Agency in close collaboration with law enforcement and other relevant entities, has revealed that the data breach was limited to one IT application. The perpetrators primarily targeted data related to COVID-19 medicines and vaccines and unlawfully accessed documents belonging to third parties. The … (leggi tutto)

COVID-19 vaccination in patients with cancer: ESMO releases ten statements

December 22, 2020 – While the European Union (EU) is getting ready to start the COVID-19 vaccination campaign by the end of the year after the European Medical Agency (EMA)’s approval of a number of vaccines targeting the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), ESMO has released today ten statements to address issues and concerns on immunising patients with … (leggi tutto)

EMA recommends first COVID-19 vaccine for authorisation in the EU

December 21, 2020 – EMA has recommended granting a conditional marketing authorisation for the vaccine, developed by BioNTech and Pfizer, to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people from 16 years of age. EMA’s scientific opinion paves the way for the first marketing authorisation of a COVID-19 vaccine in the EU by the European Commission, with all the safeguards … (leggi tutto)



FDA Updates Label for Darolutamide in Nonmetastatic CRPC to Include OS Data

January 8, 2021 – The FDA has approved a supplemental new drug application to add overall survival (OS) and other secondary end point data from the phase 3 ARAMIS trial (NCT02200614) to the prescribing information for darolutamide for the treatment of patients with nonmetastatic prostate cancer (nmCRPC). Darolutamide led to a 31% reduction in the risk of death, extending survival for … (leggi tutto)

FDA Grants Fast Track Designation to Zenocutuzumab for Metastatic NRG1+ Solid Tumors

January 8, 2021 – The FDA has granted a fast track designation to zenocutuzumab (MCLA-128) for the treatment of patients with metastatic solid tumors that harbor NRG1 gene fusions and have progressed on standard-of-care treatment, according to an announcement from Merus NV, the drug developer. “Receiving fast track designation is another important milestone for zenocutuzumab, and … (leggi tutto)

FDA Issues Alert Regarding SARS-CoV-2 Viral Mutation to Health Care Providers and Clinical Laboratory Staff

January 8, 2021 – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting clinical laboratory staff and health care providers that the FDA is monitoring the potential impact of viral mutations, including an emerging variant from the United Kingdom known as the B.1.1.7 variant, on authorized SARS-CoV-2 molecular tests, and that false negative results can occur with any molecular test for the … (leggi tutto)

FDA Grants 3 Rare Pediatric Disease Designations to STAT3 Inhibitor WP1066

January 7, 2021 – The FDA has approved the request submitted by Moleculin Biotech, Inc. for rare disease designations to be granted their drug candidate WP1066, an agent that appears to directly elicit tumor cell death and rouse the immune system to eliminate tumors. With this decision, the company can receive a transferrable priority review voucher (PRV) upon new drug approval for … (leggi tutto)

FDA Defers Action on BLA for Bevacizumab Biosimilar MYL-1402O

January 6, 2021 – The FDA has deferred action on the biologics license application (BLA) for the proposed bevacizumab biosimilar MYL-1402O, as the regulatory agency was unable to complete an inspection of a manufacturing facility due to travel restrictions associated with the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. No additional observations associated with the application were … (leggi tutto)

FDA Grants Fast Track Status to ADC ARX788 for HER2+ Metastatic Breast Cancer

January 5, 2021 – The FDA has granted a fast track designation to the investigational antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) ARX788 for use as a monotherapy in the treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who have previously received 1 or more HER2-targeted regimens in the metastatic setting. The decision was based on data from phase 1 trials that … (leggi tutto)

Novel CDK4/6 Inhibitor ON 123300 Receives Green Light to Move Into Phase 1 Testing in Relapsed/Refractory Advanced Cancers

January 5, 2021 – The FDA has granted permission for a phase 1 study evaluating ON 123300, a first-in-class multikinase CDK4/6 inhibitor to proceed under the agent’s investigational new drug application, according to a press release from Onconova Therapeutics, Inc. “We are grateful to receive this timely, favorable response from the FDA to initiate a phase 1 trial with ON 123300,” said … (leggi tutto)

FDA Statement on Following the Authorized Dosing Schedules for COVID-19 Vaccines

January 4, 2021 – Two different mRNA vaccines have now shown remarkable effectiveness of about 95% in preventing COVID-19 disease in adults. As the first round of vaccine recipients become eligible to receive their second dose, we want to remind the public about the importance of receiving COVID-19 vaccines according to how they’ve been authorized by the FDA in order to safely … (leggi tutto)

FDA Grants Breakthrough Therapy Designation to Tiragolumab Plus Atezolizumab for PD-L1–High NSCLC

January 5, 2021 – The FDA has granted a breakthrough therapy designation to the anti-TIGIT therapy tiragolumab for use in combination with atezolizumab in the frontline treatment of patients with metastatic non­small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose tumors are PD-L1 high and do not harbor any EGFR or ALK aberrations. The decision was based on data from the phase 2 CITYSCAPE trial … (leggi tutto)

FDA Takes Steps to Provide Clarity on Developing New Drug Products in the Age of Individualized Medicine

January 4, 2021 – Advances in scientific knowledge and drug development technology have provided an opportunity for new approaches to drug development, including the development of drugs for the treatment of rare diseases. These advances have contributed to an increase in development and approval of drugs for the treatment of rare diseases in recent years. In fact, in the past eight … (leggi tutto)

FDA Grants Annamycin Orphan Drug Status for Soft Tissue Sarcomas

December 29, 2020 – The FDA has granted an orphan drug designation to Annamycin for the treatment of patients with soft tissue sarcomas. “This is now the second orphan drug designation for Annamycin, as Annamycin previously received [this status] for the treatment of relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia,” said Walter Klemp, chairman and CEO of Moleculin, the manufacturer of … (leggi tutto)

FDA Grants Priority Review to Frontline Lorlatinib for ALK+ Metastatic NSCLC

December 28, 2020 – The FDA has granted priority review to a supplemental new drug application (sNDA) for lorlatinib for use as a frontline treatment in patients with ALK-positive metastatic non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The application is based on findings from an interim analysis of the pivotal phase 3 CROWN trial (NCT03052608) in which the third-generation ALK TKI … (leggi tutto)

FDA Grants Orphan Drug Designation to Rintatolimod for Pancreatic Cancer

December 23, 2020 – The FDA has granted an orphan drug designation to the mismatched, double-stranded RNA molecule rintatolimod for the treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer, according to an announcement from AIM ImmunoTech, Inc. The decision followed results from a multiyear Early Access Program held at Erasmus University Medical Center, which indicated that the agent resulted in … (leggi tutto)

FDA Updates Ibrutinib Label to Include Long-Term Waldenström Macroglobulinemia Data

December 23, 2020 – The FDA has updated the prescribing information for ibrutinib to include safety and efficacy data for the agent in combination with rituximab in the treatment of patients with Waldenström macroglobulinemia. The update decision was based on findings from a final analysis of the phase 3 iNNOVATE trial, where the use of the combination led to significantly higher rates of … (leggi tutto)

FDA Gives Green Light to IND for Berubicin for Glioblastoma Multiforme

December 22, 2020 – The FDA has approved an investigational new drug application for berubicin for the treatment of patients with glioblastoma multiforme, according to an announcement made by CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. A trial evaluating the efficacy of the product in adults with glioblastoma who have progressed on frontline treatment will be initiated in the first quarter of 2021 … (leggi tutto)

BLA Initiated for JZP-458 in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

December 21, 2020 – The submission of a biologics license application (BLA) to the FDA has been initiated for JZP-458 for use as a component of a multiagent chemotherapy regimen in the treatment of adult and pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) or lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL) who have developed hypersensitivity or silent inactivation to E. coli–derived … (leggi tutto)

FDA Approval Sought for Cilta-Cel in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma

December 21, 2020 – A rolling submission of the biologics license application for the BCMA-directed CAR T-cell product ciltacabtagene autoleucel (cilta-cel; JNJ-68284528) for use in adults with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma has been initiated to the FDA. Results from the phase 1/2 CARTITUDE-1 trial (NCT03548207), which were presented during the 2020 ASH Annual Meeting … (leggi tutto)



Nivolumab Indication in Small Cell Lung Cancer Withdrawn in U.S. Market

January 4, 2021 – On December 29, Bristol Myers Squibb issued the following statement on nivolumab’s small cell lung cancer (SCLC) indication in the United States. In 2018, nivolumab was granted accelerated approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of patients with SCLC whose disease has progressed after platinum-based chemotherapy and at least one … (leggi tutto)

Inaugural AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report Spotlights Growing Concerns Around Racial Disparities

December 24, 2020- The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) revealed a comprehensive, first-of-its-kind AACR Cancer Disparities Progress Report, which highlights disparities in cancer incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and survival, along with a heavy emphasis on racial and ethnic disparities in cancer care. “Research is driving tremendous progress against cancer and other … (leggi tutto)

Court Ruling: Delaying Most Favored Nation Rule Important First Step Toward Ending Flawed Model

Statement By: Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD, FACS, FASCO Board Chair of the Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

December 23, 2020- “The Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) applauds the decision by the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland to grant a temporary restraining order on the implementation of the Most Favored Nation (MFN) Interim Final Rule. Judge Blake’s decision delays the model’s implementation for 14 days while she considers a preliminary injunction, which would further … (leggi tutto)

American Cancer Society Report Identifies Critical Gaps and Research Opportunities for Improved Cancer Care

December 22, 2020- A new report found that despite progress in the decline of cancer mortality, there are still critical gaps, including the need to develop better tools and explore research opportunities that would lead to limiting cancer as a major health concern. This blueprint article completes an eight-part series outlining the American Cancer Society’s vision for the future control of … (leggi tutto)

ASCO Applauds Congress for Expanding Clinical Trial Access for Medicaid Beneficiaries

End-of-year legislative package includes ASCO-backed CLINICAL TREATMENT Act

December 22, 2020- “Congress took a giant step forward to reduce health disparities by expanding clinical trial access to more than 41.6 million Medicaid beneficiaries through passage of the bipartisan CLINICAL TREATMENT Act as part of its end-of-year legislative package. We commend Congress for passing this commonsense fix to increase the diversity of participants in clinical trials … (leggi tutto)

Selinexor Combination Regimens Added to NCCN Guidelines for Multiple Myeloma

December 21, 2020- The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has added 3 selinexor combination regimens to its Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology for previously treated patients with multiple myeloma. The combinations that have been added include: once-weekly selinexor/bortezomib/dexamethasone, selinexor/daratumumab/dexamethasone; and the all-oral … (leggi tutto)


Dal mondo


Japanese Approval Sought for Oncolytic Virus Teserpaturev for Malignant Glioma

January 5, 2021 – A new drug application has been submitted to Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) for the oncolytic virus teserpaturev (G47∆; formerly DS-1647) for use in the treatment of patients with malignant glioma. The submission is based on data from a single-arm phase 2 clinical trial, which was found to meet its primary end point for 1-year survival rate in … (leggi tutto)

Surufatinib Approved in China for Non-Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

December 30, 2020 – The China National Medical Products Administration has approved surufatinib for the treatment of patients with non-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. The regulatory decision was based on data from the phase 3 SANET-ep trial (NCT02589821), which showed that the agent led to a significant improvement in progression-free survival (PFS) vs placebo; the agent was … (leggi tutto)

Pillole dall’AIFA


8 gennaio 2021 – Dose extra dai flaconcini del vaccino anti-COVID-19 BioNTech/Pfizer 

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8 gennaio 2021 – Indagine conoscitiva sull’adozione del documento di linee di indirizzo sul consenso informato e relativi modelli 

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7 gennaio 2021 – COVID-19: AIFA autorizza vaccino Moderna 

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6 gennaio 2021 – EMA raccomanda l’autorizzazione nell’UE di COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna 

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4 gennaio 2021 – Registri AIFA: informazioni sui dati dei trattamenti con i nuovi farmaci per la cura dell’epatite C 

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31 dicembre 2020 – Aggiornamento sulla revisione ciclica del vaccino COVID-19 di AstraZeneca 

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31 dicembre 2020 – Report vaccini anti COVID-19 

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30 dicembre 2020 – Elenchi degli Informatori Scientifici del farmaco relativi all’anno 2020 

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30 dicembre 2020 – 19° Rapporto nazionale sulla Sperimentazione Clinica dei medicinali in Italia 2020 

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30 dicembre 2020 – Servizio di help desk dei servizi online dell’AIFA. Nuovo numero di telefono 0662289430 

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30 dicembre 2020 – L’AIFA approva le nuove linee guida per la contrattazione dei prezzi e rimborsi dei farmaci 

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29 dicembre 2020 – AIFA pubblica il Rapporto antibiotici 2019 

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28 dicembre 2020 – AIFA, possibile ottenere almeno 6 dosi da ogni flaconcino del vaccino BioNTech/Pfizer 

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27 dicembre 2020 – Informazioni utili e risposte alle domande sul vaccino BioNTech/Pfizer per COVID-19 

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24 dicembre 2020 – Vitamina D: consumi e spesa ridotti di oltre il 33% dall’introduzione della Nota 96 

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23 dicembre 2020 – COVID-19 – Aggiornamento scheda informativa AIFA su idrossiclorochina 

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22 dicembre 2020 – Autorizzato il vaccino BioNTech/Pfizer 

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22 dicembre 2020 – Impiego in Italia dell’anticorpo monoclonale Bamlanivimab per la cura del COVID-19: da Eli Lilly nessuna offerta gratuita, solo richiesta di approvazione alla vendita 

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21 dicembre 2020 – Chiusura Managed Entry Agreements (MEA) Registri Bosutinib (Pfizer) 

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21 dicembre 2020 – Chiusura Registro di monitoraggio Bosutinib (Pfizer)

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21 dicembre 2020 – Epatite C: aggiornamento del 21 dicembre 2020 sui pazienti arruolati 

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21 dicembre 2020 – EMA raccomanda l’autorizzazione nell’UE del primo vaccino COVID-19 

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Opportunità di lavoro in Oncologia

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A causa del protrarsi dell’emergenza coronavirus e delle relative disposizioni, si suggerisce di verificare la conferma dei singoli eventi direttamente con gli organizzatori  

Master Universitario di II livello, Anno Accademico 2020/2021
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Procedura di ammissione da completare entro il 25 gennaio 2021
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
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The Virtual Congress – La Settimana della Medicina Generale 
FAD, 21 novembre 2000 – 31 marzo 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
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Corso FAD ECM, 14 settembre 2020 – 14 settembre 2021 
Iscrizioni aperte per tutta la durata del corso
Evento Nazionale AIOM

Link all’evento  

1° Modulo. Formazione di base
Webinar, 12 – 13 gennaio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

Webinar, 13 gennaio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

FAD, 14 gennaio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

Webinar, 15 gennaio 2021
FAD, 15 gennaio – 15 luglio 2021
Evento patrocinato da AIOM

Link all’evento  

FAD, 15 – 16 gennaio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

FAD, 20 gennaio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

FAD, 21 – 22 gennaio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

FAD, 27 gennaio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

Belluno, 11 – 12 febbraio 2021, rinviato al 24 – 25 settembre 2021  
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

FAD, 12 febbraio 2021 
Evento Sezione Regionale AIOM Lazio 
Link all’evento

Webinar, 18 febbraio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

Aggiornamenti basati sull’evidenza 
XVIII Edizione
Virtual, 18 – 19 febbraio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

An ImGO (Italian Innovators in Multidisciplinary & Genitourinary Oncology) Event 
Webinar, 18 – 19 febbraio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

2° Modulo. Revisioni sistematiche e metanalisi
Webinar, 19 – 20 febbraio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

Staging , HPV e Simultaneous Care
FAD, 26 febbraio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  

Convegno GOIRC 2021
FAD, 26 – 27 febbraio 2021 
Evento patrocinato da AIOM
Link all’evento  


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