Newsletter mensile Aiom
Anno IV – Numero 29, Marzo 2021
Comitato scientifico editoriale: Vanna Chiarion Sileni, Paola Queirolo
Editore: Intermedia, Direttore Responsabile: Mauro Boldrini
Notizie dalla ricerca
Effect of concomitant medications with immune-modulatory properties on the outcomes of patients with advanced cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: development and validation of a novel prognostic index

Concomitant medications are known to impact on clinical outcomes of patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). We aimed weighing the role of different concomitant baseline medications to create a drug-based prognostic score. We evaluated concomitant baseline medications at immunotherapy initiation for their impact on objective response rate (ORR), progression- …
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Anti-programmed cell death-1 therapy in octogenarian and nonagenarian advanced/metastatic melanoma patients

Immunotherapy with anti-programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) agents is an effective treatment for metastatic melanoma. Octogenarians and nonagenarians represent a significant cohort of melanoma patients. This multicenter retrospective analysis enrolled 499 patients treated with nivolumab or pembrolizumab. Seventy-three patients were aged 80-100, 218 patients were aged 65-79, and …
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Quality assessment of a clinical next-generation sequencing melanoma panel within the Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI)

Identification of somatic mutations in key oncogenes in melanoma is important to lead the effective and efficient use of personalized anticancer treatment. Conventional methods focus on few genes per run and, therefore, are unable to screen for multiple genes simultaneously. The use of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies enables sequencing of multiple cancer-driving genes …
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Identification of stage I/IIA melanoma patients at high risk for disease relapse using a clinicopathologic and gene expression model

Patients with stage I/IIA cutaneous melanoma (CM) are currently not eligible for adjuvant therapies despite uncertainty in relapse risk. Here, we studied the ability of a recently developed model which combines clinicopathologic and gene expression variables (CP-GEP) to identify stage I/IIA melanoma patients who have a high risk for disease relapse. Archival specimens from a cohort of …
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Circulating Tumour DNA in Advanced Melanoma Patients Ceasing PD1 Inhibition in the Absence of Disease Progression

Immunotherapy is an important and established treatment option for patients with advanced melanoma. Initial anti-PD1 trials arbitrarily defined a two-year treatment duration, but a shorter treatment duration may be appropriate. In this study, we retrospectively assessed 70 patients who stopped anti-PD1 therapy in the absence of progressive disease (PD) to determine clinical outcomes …
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Conjunctival melanoma: Risk factors for recurrent or new tumor in 540 patients at a single ocular oncology center

To investigate risk factors for recurrent or new tumor in patients with conjunctival melanoma. Retrospective review of patients with conjunctival melanoma managed on the Ocular Oncology Service, Wills Eye Hospital from 1974 to 2019. There were 540 patients with mean follow-up of 57.6 months, of whom 176 (33%) had recurrent or new tumor formation. Risk factors for recurrent or new …
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Appuntamenti Aiom

Avviso a tutti i Soci

A causa del protrarsi dell’emergenza coronavirus e delle relative disposizioni, si suggerisce di verificare la conferma dei singoli eventi direttamente con gli organizzatori

Supportive Care: The Big One
Corso FAD ECM 14 settembre 2020 – 14 settembre 2021
Iscrizioni aperte per tutta la durata del corso

Il Microbiota: Una Nuova Frontiera in Oncologia
I mercoledì dell’oncologia 
Webinar, 17 marzo 2021
Evento Nazionale AIOM

Analisi del processo di supporto nutrizionale al paziente oncologico: condivisione del Modello Pilota
Webinar, 17 marzo – 15 settembre 2021

Hot Topics in Oncologia Cervico-Cefalica
CUP, rinofaringe, algoritmi terapeutici e immunoterapia
FAD, 19 marzo 2021

Casi Clinici Difficili: Quando i Dubbi sono Maggiori delle Certezze
I mercoledì dell’oncologia 
Webinar, 24 marzo 2021
Evento Nazionale AIOM

Il Ruolo dell’Oncologo Medico tra Assistenza e Sostenibilità dei Trattamenti, Formazione, Ricerca e Comunicazione
Milano, 26 marzo 2021
Convegno AIOM Lombardia

Melanoma e Non Melanoma Skin Cancer
Dalla diagnosi precoce alle nuove frontiere terapeutiche
Webinar, 27 marzo 2021
Patrocinio concesso dalla Sezione Regionale AIOM Lombardia

Tumori della Testa e del Collo Recidivati/Metastatici e Patologie Rare:
Novità Scientifiche e Attualità Clinica
FAD, 29 marzo 2021

3rd International Workshop on Tumor Evolution
Discovering and targeting therapeutic vulnerabilities in the tumor microenvironment

FAD, 30 – 31 marzo 2021 

I Gruppi Cooperativi in Oncologia: La Ricerca che Cambia
I Incontro Nazionale FICOG 
Roma, 20 aprile 2021
Evento Nazionale AIOM

10th International Conference on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Issues in Cancer
ICTHIC Virtual Edition

FAD, 22 – 26 aprile 2021 

1st Back from International Congresses & Hot Topics in Oncology
Webinar, 27 aprile 2021 

Corso di Perfezionamento in Ricerca Clinica:
Linee Guida per la Pratica Clinica – Metodo GRADE 
Università degli Studi di Milano

Milano, 28 aprile – 17 giugno 2021

Focus On Melanoma and Non Melanoma Skin Cancer
Webinar, 6 – 7 maggio 2021 

Focus su Terapie di Supporto 2021
Grandangolo in oncologia

FAD, 10 – 12 maggio 2021 

L’Accesso Vascolare: da Dispositivo Medico a “Tutela” della Qualità di Vita dei Pazienti
III Congresso Nazionale IVAS – Primum non nocere

Torino, 12 – 13 maggio 2021 

Migrazione Sanitaria e Tumori: Spesa, Stime e Disagi Socio-Economici
Webinar, 31 maggio 2021 

Nutrizione in Oncologia
Pavia, 25 settembre 2021 

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