Newsletter mensile Aiom
Anno I – Numero 2, Febbraio 2023
Comitato scientifico editoriale: Chiara Cremolini, Filippo Pietrantonio
Editore: Intermedia, Direttore Responsabile: Mauro Boldrini
Notizie dalla ricerca

Resistance Mechanisms to Anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Therapy in RAS/RAF Wild-Type Colorectal Cancer Vary by Regimen and Line of Therapy

Acquired resistance to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor (EGFRi) therapy in colorectal cancer (CRC) has previously been explained by the model of acquiring new mutations in KRAS/NRAS/EGFR, among other MAPK-pathway members. However, this was primarily on the basis of single-agent EGFRi trials and little is known about the resistance mechanisms of EGFRi combined with effective cytotoxic chemotherapy in previously untreated patients …
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Circulating Tumor DNA Identifies Diverse Landscape of Acquired Resistance to Anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Therapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antibodies are effective treatments for metastatic colorectal cancer. Improved understanding of acquired resistance mechanisms may facilitate circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) monitoring, anti-EGFR rechallenge, and combinatorial strategies to delay resistance. Patients with treatment-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer (n = 169) enrolled on the CO.26 trial had pre-anti-EGFR …
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RNF43 mutations predict response to anti-BRAF/EGFR combinatory therapies in BRAFV600E metastatic colorectal cancer

Anti-BRAF/EGFR therapy was recently approved for the treatment of metastatic BRAFV600E colorectal cancer (mCRCBRAF-V600E). However, a large fraction of patients do not respond, underscoring the need to identify molecular determinants of treatment response. Using whole-exome sequencing in a discovery cohort of patients with mCRCBRAF-V600E treated with anti-BRAF/EGFR therapy …
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Combined PD-1, BRAF and MEK inhibition in BRAFV600E colorectal cancer: a phase 2 trial

While BRAF inhibitor combinations with EGFR and/or MEK inhibitors have improved clinical efficacy in BRAFV600E colorectal cancer (CRC), response rates remain low and lack durability. Preclinical data suggest that BRAF/MAPK pathway inhibition may augment the tumor immune response. We performed a proof-of-concept single-arm phase 2 clinical trial of combined PD-1 …
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Preoperative Chemotherapy for Operable Colon Cancer: Mature Results of an International Randomized Controlled Trial

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) has potential advantages over standard postoperative chemotherapy for locally advanced colon cancer but requires formal evaluation.Patients with radiologically staged T3-4, N0-2, M0 colon cancer were randomly allocated (2:1) to 6 weeks oxaliplatin-fluoropyrimidine preoperatively plus 18 postoperatively (NAC group) or 24 weeks postoperatively (control group). Patients with RAS-wildtype tumors could also be randomly …
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Appuntamenti Aiom

Avviso a tutti i Soci

A causa del protrarsi dell’emergenza coronavirus e delle relative disposizioni, si suggerisce di verificare la conferma dei singoli eventi direttamente con gli organizzatori

Nuove prospettive nella terapia del carcinoma uroteliale localmente avanzato e metastatico
I mercoledì dell’oncologia
Webinar, 22 febbraio 2023 dalle 17.00 alle 18.15

Medicina digitale e oncologia: i risultati di una survey
I mercoledì dell’oncologia
Webinar (No ECM), 1 marzo 2023 dalle 17.00 alle 18.15

Gli Onco-Journal Club del Policlinico Universitario Tor Vergata 
Roma, 1 marzo 2023

Focus sul management dei possibili eventi avversi delle nuove terapie: l’importanza della multidisciplinarietà
I mercoledì dell’oncologia
Webinar (ECM), 8 marzo 2023 dalle 17.00 alle 18.15

Il paziente anziano con patologia oncologica: tra nuovi scenari assistenziali e nuove tecnologie
Pavia, 10 marzo 2023

News in GU Oncology 2023
Bari, 10 – 11 marzo 2023

Highlights in Gastrointestinal Cancer
Prato, 16 – 17 marzo 2023

Oncogenetica: nuove implicazioni cliniche, aspetti psicologici e bioetici
Padova, 24 marzo 2023

Le Nuove Sfide della Ricerca Clinica Accademica
Bologna, 24 – 25 marzo 2023

Approccio multidisciplinare nelle neoplasie dell’apparato digerente: hot topics
Terni, 30 – 31 marzo 2023

Back to the future… innovation and not only in Gastro-intestinal tumours
Torino, 31 marzo 2023

ASCO-AIOM International Clinical Research Course
Roma, 31 marzo – 1° aprile 2023

Questi e altri appuntamenti si possono consultare sul sito AIOM:

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