Anno II – Numero 9 – Maggio 2021
Comitato scientifico editoriale: Antonio Magi, Pierluigi Bartoletti, Fernando De Benedetto, Giovanbattista Desideri, Francesco Cognetti, Roberto Messina
Editore: Intermedia – Direttore Responsabile: Mauro Boldrini –


Colesterolo alto nella donna, perché le cure vanno seguite con attenzione

Intervista alla dottoressa Livia Pisciotta, Professore Associato di Scienze Dietetiche dell’Università di Genova, esperta in Lipidologia, e referente del Centro Dislipidemie familiari del Policlinico San Martino...continua a leggere

Ipertensione, perché è un pericolo per la salute e come controllarla

Il 17 maggio si è celebrata la Giornata Mondiale dell’Ipertensione, nemico invisibile per arterie, cuore, cervello e renicontinua a leggere


Treatment and adherence to antihypertensive therapy in France: the roles of socioeconomic factors and primary care medicine in the ESTEBAN survey
Alexandre Vallée, Clémence Grave, Amélie Gabet, Jacques Blacher, Valérie Olié

Antihypertensive drugs remain one of the main beneficial strategies for cardiovascular disease prevention. The objective of our study was to investigate the associations of different clinical and socioeconomic (SES) factors, and the use of primary care medicine with treatment and adherence (proportion of days covered (PDC) by treatment) to hypertension management in French participants aware of their hypertension. Cross-sectional analyses of treatment for hypertension and adherence to treatment were performed using data from 396 participants…Read more

Adherence to Antithrombotic Treatment and Ischemic Stroke Recurrence in Egypt and Germany: A Comparative Analysis
Hazem Kamal, Mohamed Khodery, Hassan Elnady, Ahmed Borai, Jan Hendrik Schaefer, Gharib Fawi, Helmuth Steinmetz, Christian Foerch, Daniel Spitzer

Background: The burden of stroke weighs heavily in developing countries where recurrence rates clearly exceed that of developed countries. The impact of nonadherence to antithrombotic treatment within this context has been poorly investigated.
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate patients with recurrent ischemic stroke in Egypt and Germany with focus on stroke subtype distribution and adherence to antithrombotic therapy.
Methods: We conducted a comparative cross-sectional retrospective cohortRead more

The value of the polypill in cardiovascular disease: an Italian multidisciplinary Delphi panel consensus
Pasquale Perrone-Filardi, Paola Minghetti, Enrica Menditto, Stefano Bianchi, Francesco Scaglione, Gianluca Trifirò, Gaetano Piccinocchi, Tiberio Corona, Giorgia Gambarelli, Chiara Izzi, Vincenzo Misciagna, Daria Putignano, Stefania Lopatriello, Davide Cafiero

The purpose of this work was to reach the consensus of a multidisciplinary and multistakeholder Italian panel on the value of polypill in cardiovascular disease, with respect to the clinical, technological, economic and organizational dimension. A three-step modified Delphi method was used to establish consensus. Eleven experts in the area of cardiology, pharmaceutical technology, general practice, hospital pharmacy, pharmacology, and health economics participated in the expert panel. To identify existing evidence concerning the value of polypill…Read more

The use of single-pill combinations as first-line treatment for hypertension: translating guidelines into clinical practice
Erika Campana, Vitória Cunha, Sigita Glaveckaite, Ivan Gruev, Guillaume Lamirault, Elke Lehmann, Stefano Masi, Liliane Mfeukeu Kuate, Larysa Mishshenko, Deborah I D Ona, Min Zaw Oo, Oana G F Tautu, Anna Vachulova, Ana-Maria Vintila, Jacek Wolf, Nadezhda Zvartau, Krzysztof Narkiewicz, Stephane Laurent

The 2008 European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension guidelines recommend the first-line prescription of two antihypertensive drugs in single-pill combinations (SPCs), also known as fixed-dose combinations, for the treatment of most patients with hypertension. This recommendation is based on a large amount of data, which shows that first-line treatment with SPCs supports reaching blood pressure targets rapidly and reducing cardiovascular outcome risk while keeping the therapeutic strategies as simple as possibleRead more

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